Episode 4
Act 4:
Masquerade Dance Party

Airdate: August 16, 2014


Nephrite and his Shadow Youma

… Well… this is unexpected. In the first anime, Nephrite sends his shadow along to possess Naru and then to possess Princess D. In the manga, he just sends his shadow in the form of a woman, to infiltrate the princess's room. Here… ah… Nephrite turns himself into a woman in a failed attempt to kidnap her, proving that Zoicite isn't the only one in the family who cross dresses. When Rei and Ami expose Nephrite, he sends forth a shadow Youma, possessing the princess.

Princess D

 A young princess from Kingdom D… yeah, real inventive name there. She's here reluctantly, to show the world her family's biggest gem… a diamond carving of herself. The princess believes that people care more about the diamond than about her.

Debut of Kunzite, Kenji Tsukino and Makoto Kino. First time Moon uses Moon Twilight Flash. First time Tuxedo Mask kisses Sailor Moon.


Oh the pretty!! It's so posh and regal


Ah the romance! The sexual tension is so thick, you could cut it with a rose. Such a dreamy romance, there's dancing, mid-air spooning, and even a scene where Tuxedo Mask kisses an unconcious Sailor Mo-um…. Wait a second.


DATE RAPE!!! Tuxedo Mask kisses Sailor Moon when she is drunk and asleep!!! Also to note, in the original anime and manga, Usagi/Sailor Moon passes out after drinking alcohol for the first time. Standards and Practices frowns on that these days, since she's 14. So here, she just passes out from fighting.


WOW Luna is a total bitch today! As if her usual cock-blocking methods aren't enough, she actually BEATS UP USAGI!!


Usagi is reading Prism Time, a 1987 manga by Naoko Takeuchi, last reprinted in 1997, the year Sailor StarS wrapped. Also, check out Usagi's crown!

Act 4

Guardians that appear but do not help in battle:

Total Guardians:

Final Blow from:
Nephrite escapes, when jadeite, Zoicite and Kunzite arrive to take him back to Queen Beryl.


This episode, even in it's streaming form, is chock full of PRETTY.

We open the episode, where Luna has doxed Usagi, Ami and Rei. The things this cat can do is just plain creepy. She tries to dox Mamoru, but is pretty much coming up empty handed. She comes to the conclusion that because she can't dox him, he must automatically be suspicious. You know, this reminds me, over the years as this section of the story has been revisited, I keep getting the same question. Was Luna a man-hater, or is she looking at Mamoru as the man trying to mess with a girl she is pretty much raising like a daughter? I think she just gets her kicks from cock-blocking Usagi, she's proven to be really good at that so far.

After the theme song, we see Luna trying to wake up Usagi, who has fallen asleep while reading manga.

Which manga is this? Why it's none other than Naoko Takeuchi's Prism Time of course!
It was originally drawn in 1987 for Nakayoshi, and later reprinted in 1995 and in 1997 in graphic novel form. If you want to see more, make sure you visit Miss Dream's website, and let her know Codename Sailor Earth sent you. ^_^

Well of course, Usagi is late. This time it's because she slept through the alarm, so at least we know an effort was made today. She spent all night on a manga binge, reading old books from "Hodansha" a parody of Kodansha.

As Usagi is trying to get changed, Ikuko is reading a-OKAY WHAT THE FUCK??

REALLY?? Who the hell was able to snag a picture of Sailor Moon IN ANOTHER FUCKING DIMENSION???

Oh, and apparently, this now takes place in real life. Because that is President Obama in Ikuko's morning paper.

And there's a book on Luna. Awesome.

Ikuko muses that she wishes her daughter was more like Sailor Moon-chan. Really bitch? HOW do you not see that's your kid? HOW??? How many blonde-haired, blue eyed Japanese girls with Odango pigtails DO you see running around Juban these days?

As Usagi darts down the street, she notices tons and tons of cops everywhere, building checkpoints. She asks Luna if she can use the Luna Pen to transform into a marathon runner, and of course, the cat declines.

As Usagi pouts, waiting for traffic to clear, Luna reminds us that this really is Sailor Moon. You know, just in case you're dense, like Ikuko.

Usagi makes it to school on time for once. Naru greets her, and tells her that Princess D from Kingdom D (catchy name, right?) has arrived, and will unveil a ;legendary treasure that night at a banquet. Of course, Luna translates this to mean "DA MUUN PRINSESS AN DA SILVER CRYTAL MU BE DER" because we all know how fast on the uptake she is. <_<

After school, we see Rei and Ami at Crown while Usagi is stuck in detention for sleeping in class. Rei muses that this is her first time in an arcade, proving she really doesn't get out much. Ami also says Act 2 was her first trip to an arcade, and you just feel so sorry for these kids, that even before they were Guardians, they just didn't have a life. By the way, in case you forgot who these people were, Luna is catching you up.

While they're waiting, Ami and Rei decide to play the Codename Sailor V game.

Can I just stop a moment and say this? I really… REALLY LOVE this new Rei-chan!! I mean it! In the manga, she's so cold and is usually teasing Usagi and Minako, and in the old anime, she was just a straight up bitch. But here? I just want to hug her. She's sooooooo nice all the time! Really, so far, I want to pinch her cheeks and Ami's cheeks and give them cookies. They're so delicate this season, it's like they replaced that nagging bitch from 1992 with a Dream Fairy, like is Peruru your long lost dad, Rei-chan? Cause you're so sweet!

The two start to really connect, just as Usagi pops in. Luna gives them the full spiel, that they have to protect the princess and find the Silver Crystal. Luna guesses that part of the princess's power must have been sealed, so the enemy can't find her so easily. She tells Ami and Rei that they are living keys, and once all the Guardians are combined, the seal should be broken and they'll know who and where the princess is and where the crystal is. But while they're talking, Usagi has gotten bored and is playing the Codename Sailor V game. How does Luna handle this? Of course, by BEATING THE PISS OUT OF USAGI!!

Holy freaking crap!! That's grounds for a spaying if ever I saw one. And look, if you freeze-frame it, the little bitch is enjoying it.

She's making faces, that's a tongue coming out!!

Well just then, Umino and Motoki walk in.

Umino and Usagi gossip about how lovely the princess must be, but Rei warns she has a bad feeling about the dinner.

Meanwhile, Jadeite is walking through the Dark Kingdom, nursing his wounds. Kunzite at first teases him about his loss, but then nephrite and Zoicite show up, and they remark that they are confident they will win in the end. Beryl reminds all four to continue the search for the crystal.

Usagi comes home to find her dad dressed in a black Tuxedo, and looking much younger than he did in the 1992 anime.

He snidely tells her he's going to the dinner on behalf of the magazine he works for, and brushes her off when she wants to tag along.

Not satisfied to watch it on the news, Usagi uses the Luna Pen to transform into a princess.

All dressed up, Usagi, Luna, Rei and Ami head out to the ball. Let's take a moment to have a look at what Ami and Rei are wearing, vs. how they dressed before.

Old anime, we see Ami in a fugly, orange and cream colored dress while Rei is wearing old lady wear.

Manga? Well, Rei is still dressed pretty frumpy, and Ami at least has an interesting top with roses.

Here? OH MY wear do you guys even shop?? This is a big upgrade. Ami is wearing a shorter, light blue dress with fairy-cut sleeves, and Rei looks pulled together in a lipstick-red dress with a pink sash and matching pink rose. As a bonus, they each have tiaras similar to Neo Queen Serenity's, but with red and blue hearts respectively. Very chic! And Rei's black purse and shoes, are understated and classy, and in a demure touch, she's added red stockings to contrast her white gloves. Ami has a matching necklace in the shape of a little blue bow, and she has white pumps. Ami and Rei have understated studs in blue and red, respectively.

Just as Usagi tries to sneak the girls in, the guard stops her. No, not because they're not on the guest list, but because Luna isn't allowed.

Usagi, Rei and Ami don't even try to save Luna, either.

Payback, thou art a bitch.

Once inside, Usagi wonders off, hoping to get her first dance while dressed up. Ami and Rei decide to look for the princess. Usagi races past Kenji. Kenji has no freaking clue that's his kid. HOW can her parents be so blind??? And then he has to think the following:

What, she's ugly now? Is that what we're saying here? What a horrible thing to think about your own daughter, that she isn't this pretty now, especially when that IS HER you're looking at, you dolt!!

Usagi finds herself inside a big dance hall, where everyone is dancing elegantly. But as she's enjoying the view, a lady walks by and accidently spills her whiskey on Usagi's dress. Usagi fumbles around, but can't find her handkerchief, so she scurries away.

Tuxedo Mask picks it up.

Rei and Ami find the princess being led into a room by a really strange woman.

Outside the ballroom, Usagi is feeling lonely. But fortunately, Tuxedo Mask arrives, and offers to dance with her.

He teaches her how to waltz, as Usagi feels his warmth. She starts to speak, but he puts his finger on her lips and smiles, wanting to enjoy the moment with her. Everything in the world feels right….. until…..

Luna, you cock blocking BITCH!! The sight of the talking cat makes Tuxedo Mask flee.

Usagi is reeling from the last few minutes, when Luna for once, says something semi-intelligent.

Okay, now I'm conflicted. Part of me says that Luna is right. Right now, Usagi does not know Tuxedo Mask. He's a stranger. And at fourteen years old, she's too young for most of what she'll be doing the rest of the series……………….. the other half of me knows Luna gets her kicks from screwing with Usagi.

Yeah Usagi-chan, I know, right? The cat seems more worried about where you are and who you're with than your own fucking parents.

But of course, Usagi just has to know how the cat got up here on the second story.

Compelling argument.

Meanwhile, Princess D is moping about how people care more about the treasure than her. The woman with her starts speaking in a demonic tone of voice.

Aaaaaand we complete it with the crazy bitch stare. Good job.

Rei and Ami barge in, as Princess D shrieks. The woman actually reveals herself to be Nephrite….. because he's going through a rough patch. He fuses his shadow into Princess D, possessing her. She races off with the treasure. Ami and Rei transform. The princess by this point has made it downstairs and knocked down two guards. Usagi and Luna start to notice something is a wee bit off about her.

The princess uses her power to turn the room negative, causing everyone to pass out. Usagi and Luna head to the balcony, and the princess catches up to them. Usagi tries to make her come to, but for her efforts, the princess chucks Usagi over the balcony.

Tuxedo Mask tries to pull her up, as Sailor Mercury and Sailor Mars confront the princess. But as they fight, Usagi and Tuxedo Mask lose their grip and start falling. Luna screams at Usagi to use her Luna Pen. Usagi does, and it opens to a pink umbrella, which acts as a parachute.

And then we get some mid-air spooning.

Luna sighs. Think she's a little jelly?

Tuxedo Mask thanks Usagi for saving his life, and checks to make sure she's okay.

Once he knows she's alright, he darts off. Luna yells for Usagi to transform again.

But mid-transformation, Usagi remembers that she lost her tiara fighting Jadeite. But that's okay! Hormones and that thing you have for tuxedo Mask will give you a stronger, cooler tiara!

Nephrite's shadow is mocking Mars and Mercury, when Moon arrives. Mars's Aku Ryo Tai San doesn't affect him. Tuxedo Mask yells to Sailor Moon that the only thing that can take out the dark is total light. Luna yells to Sailor Moon to use the new tiara to reflect light from the Moon to Nephrite's shadow. And it's not named, but this actually IS Sailor Moon's manga attack, MOON TWILIGHT FLASH!!

The shadow disperses, but Nephrite is unharmed. Just as he's gloating, Kunzite, Jadeite and Zoicite arrive, and pretty much doe the whole "we will destroy you and take over the world" speech.

They leave as Princess D comes to.

The Guardians run away too, after seeing that the Princess is actually pretty without her glasses. Mercury asks Mars if Umino would be the same way, but Mars doesn't think so. Moon is getting sleepy. Princess D reveals the treasure once she's reunited with her guests.

Yeah. That's it.

Luna notices usagi is missing.

Outside, Sailor Moon is still transformed, but has passed out on a bench. There is a crescent moon above her. Tuxedo Mask brushes the curls from her face and kisses her, remembering the dance from earlier.

Can't decide… if romantic… or date rape…. >< JEBUS SHE'S ONLY FOURTEEN!!! BAD TOUCH BAD TOUCH BAD TOUCH!!!

But as he's making out with a TOTALLY ASLEEP UNDERAGE GIRL, Sailor Moon has a vision of what we know is Prince Endymion. She's sort of in a dose, and a little awake, but not all the way. She continues dosing, letting him kiss her, as she feels warm being near him.

And then Luna arrives to once again, cock block Usagi. Once again, was this to stop her from getting raped, or was this just to screw with Usagi?

Luna asks Tuxedo Mask who he is and what he's after. He tells her he's after the Silver Crystal. She asks if he's their enemy, and he's like … PFFT I dunno, maybe. He flies off as she glares towards the Moon.

And across town, another schoolgirl is running home during a sudden, pouring rain. She looks to the lightning behind her, and knows a storm is coming.

Usagi uses the Luna Pen, to turn herself into a princess. All I can say is WOW. The dress is actually more flattering than her gown as Princess Serenity, let's review.

So the design is pretty similar to how it was in the first anime and in the manga. It's a long, sleeveless ball gown with a sweetheart neckline, but it's slightly shorter in Crystal than it was previously.

In Crystal, it's a sugary, deep pink, with a light pink underskirt. There are four, pale pink roses across her chest, and two more at her midsection. The anime shows a pale pink dress that later turns white, with red poinsettias. The manga shows a white dress that is partially see-through at the bottom, with Casablancas. All three have her wearing a white choker, with a flower in the center, matching the gown, and extra-long, white gloves, adorned with a giant white bow on each glove, again with the flower in the center. Usagi also wears the same white pumps all three times, each with a kitten heel, and a pink umbrella with tiny moon and star charms on each tip. In the manga, she wears a tiny tiara. The old anime did not have a tiara for her. In Crystal, she's wearing a variation of her crown as Neo Queen Serenity, but with a pink heart in the center. The old anime has her wearing red beads around her Odango, while in the manga and Crystal, it's white pearls. All three times, her bust is large and brought to attention, almost to the point where her breasts pop out, and the dress each way hugs all of her curves. A very pretty gown, accented by pale, pink lipstick and the faintest hint of black mascara. In the manga and Crystal, she wears earrings matching the flowers on her gown, while in the old anime, her earrings are silver-white circles, with star charms dangling. Manga Usagi's bow and choker flowers are in the shape of a heart. Off and on, Usagi is seen all three times with a rose corsage on her left wrist. Crystal and the manga both see the outline above Usagi's breasts in pearls. All three times, she has a matching bow over her bottom.

Did you catch Lady Nephrite's costume?

The jacket and skirt actually belong to Setsuna!! This was part of the outfit Setsuna wore when she joined the team in Sailormoon S:
It's like they went digging into a Moonie thrift store.

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